Barbie Role Models: Lila Avilés (Mexico)
Director, producer, and screenwriter

Lila Avilés is a film director, producer, and screenwriter. Her film Tótem premiered in 2023 in the Official Competition at the Berlinale, won more than thirty international festivals and had a strong reception from international critics, in addition to having been Mexico's selection to compete for the Oscars 2024, being shortlisted. In 2023 she also premiered her short film Ojos Dos Veces Boca (Eyes Twice Mouth) at the Venice Film Festival. Her first film “La Camarista” won many international awards, traveled to more than seventy international festivals and was also selected to compete for the 2020 Oscar and Goya awards. She is currently in development of her next film which she hopes to shoot by the end of the year. She has been a jury member at the San Sebastian International Film Festival 2023 and 2021, Morelia International Film Festival (Mexico 2019), FICUNAM (Mexico 2020), Lima International Film Festival (Peru 2020), Antofacine Festival (Chile 2020), Nespresso Talents 2019 (Morelia Festival 2022), Monterrey Film Festival (2022).