Why is Mattel creating Colorblind Accessible games?
Per the Cleveland Clinic, approximately 300 million people around the world experience some form of colorblindness (1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women). Many games require color differentiation to play and we want to ensure that our Mattel games are accessible to as many users as possible
What is Mattel doing regarding Colorblind Accessible games?
To develop custom solutions for our games, Mattel consulted with long-time partner ColorADD, an expert in this field and instrumental in the creation of UNO ColorADD. Additionally, we conducted online and in-person research with individuals who experience colorblindness.
How will I know if a game is Colorblind Accessible?
Each game that is colorblind accessible will display this badge on the outer packaging:

How will I know how to play Colorblind Accessible games?
Players can refer to each game's instruction sheet for more details on how to play that particular game, utilizing icons or tactile clues to determine color. The "For Colorblind Players" section of the instruction sheet will provide a key of the icons and their respective colors and/or provide further information.
How many of Mattel's games will be Colorblind Accessible?
By the end of 2024, 80% of the Mattel Games portfolio by volume will be colorblind accessible.
Which Mattel games will be Colorblind Accessible?
Games will be rolling in throughout 2024 and will include UNO®, Dos, Blokus, Phase 10™, Skip-Bo™ and Ker Plunk.
When will the Colorblind Accessible changes take place?
Games will be released on a rolling basis with the first items available starting in March 2024, continuing through the end of the year.

Mattel Games Colorblind Accessibility Initiative