Exploring is everything! What to expect at 6-12 months

6-12 Months Tips for Parents Videos

Your baby has found a new taste (and touch) for adventure. And now that they’ve started crawling, there’s no stopping them. Pop over to Playtown for all the fun heading your way.

Milestone Articles

Tiny Talker

Talking’s easy for grown-ups (they’ve had lots of practice). But for your baby, it’s a whole new skill – and language – to learn!

Curious Cruising

From pulling up on the sofa to inching along the coffee table, your tiny adventurer is ready to find their feet.

Music To Little Ears

From lullabies to nursery rhymes, music is a big part of childhood. Get ready to rock out together!

Explore Every Milestone

Baby On The Way

With only a few weeks to go, emotions are a bit up and down! But everyone’s on the same ride.

0-6 Months

Your baby’s got moves! Expect lots of kicking, twisting and some serious rocking out!

12-18 Months

Now that your little one’s on their feet, there’s so much to do and see. Prepare for takeoff!

18-24 Months

Your little one is full of questions as they begin to explore the big world. Just as well, you’ve got the answers.

2-3 Years

Your toddler’s learning how fun teamwork is and making new friends fast (just like Thomas!).

3-5 Years

Pretending is your little one’s newest superpower, and they’re on the lookout for their own hero-sized fun.